The difference between good app design and a poor one is usually the quality of its user experience. Fast loading times, ease of use, and overall customer satisfaction during an interaction should be integral parts of your design. Great app design is clearly laid out, efficient to use, and aesthetically pleasing. Read on for practical recommendations and advice on how to create apps with app design software that nail the UX.


What Is App Design?

App design combines the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). While UI lends itself to the overall style of the app (including the colors, fonts, and general look and feel), UX focuses on the actual functionality and usability.

A large number of users abandon an app after using it for the first time. Since users are picky about which apps they use and so quick to abandon those they don’t enjoy, it’s essential to invest time and effort in creating a great user experience. The better the design, the better the chance that a user will engage with it and thus keep using it.